Worship And Ministries Within The Worship Community

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

Worship And Pastoral Care

As the center of the life of the church, the gathering of the community for worship is the foundation of every aspect of the church's life. The ministry of pastoral care is rooted in common worship, for genuine sensitivity to mutual needs naturally develops as Christians hear God's Word, celebrate in the sacraments, and join in common prayer. Further, worship itself is an important opportunity for ministering to the needs of hurting people. The acts of naming an affliction, of turning a sorrow into a prayer, and of proclaiming the hope that Christians have in Christ all minister to the those who suffer. This section affirms that in worship, Christians rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn, ministering to each other in Jesus' name.

  1. A Christian View Of Sickness
  2. A Christian View Of Healing
  3. Ministry To The Sick
  4. Defining Pastoral Care And Liturgical Renewal
  5. Spirituality And Pastoral Care
  6. Ritual In Pastoral Care
  7. Human Situations In Need Of Ritualization
  8. The Church’s Response To Abuse
  9. Human Situations In Need Of Ritualization

Services For Worship And Pastoral Care

Although pastoral care may be extended in every gathering of Christians for worship, there are occasions when particular needs may be addressed by a gathering called to pray for a specific concern or to celebrate a specific occasion. This section presents sample services for such occasions. They may be`adapted for use in local churches.

  1. A Liturgy For The Long-term Seriously Ill
  2. A Liturgy For The Families And The Community Of The Terminally Ill
  3. A Liturgy For A Person Suffering From Addiction Or From Substance Abuse
  4. A Liturgy For A Victim Of Crime Or Oppression
  5. A Prayer For The Healing Of Memories
  6. A Liturgy For Survivors Of Abuse
  7. A Litany Of Thanksgiving For Work
  8. A Liturgy For Retirement From Work And Redirection In Vocation

Worship And Pastoral Care: A Charismatic Approach

An emphasis in the pastoral care ministries of charismatic churches has been spiritual healing. This aspect of pastoral care has embraced, not only prayer for physical healing, but also healing from sin and sinful patterns,"inner healing" or healing of memories, and the ministry of deliverance from demonic oppression. This section will introduce the reader to healing in the charismatic tradition and discuss its implications for Christian worship.

  1. Pastoral Care And Direct Divine Healing
  2. Four Basic Types Of Healing
  3. Healing Of Sin
  4. Inner Healing Of Emotions
  5. Physical Healing
  6. Deliverance And Exorcism

Worship And Spiritual Formation

The church is increasingly aware of its responsibility to provide spiritual nurture to all who participate in its life. Further, the actions, institutions, and teachings of the church have significant influence in shaping an individual's personal spiritual life. A person's understanding of God's nature, ability to experience the presence of God, and awareness of God's actions in the world are all influenced by such things as the type of language used in worship, the attitudes and actions encouraged in worship, and the patterns of communal support expressed in the worshiping community. These actions are often more influential in shaping personal spirituality than any official teaching or doctrine. Thus, worshiping communities have a great responsibility to consider the implications and influence of their patterns of worship and to take great care that their worship life provides a strong foundation for personal spirituality that is both vigorous and faithful to the Scriptures. This section discusses these matters.

  1. Worship And Spiritual Formation
  2. Worship And Spirituality
  3. Spiritual Formation And The Liturgical Tradition
  4. The Formative Power Of Public Worship
  5. The Relationship Between Private And Public Worship
  6. Living The Eucharistic Prayer
  7. Worship And Spirituality In The Jewish And Christian Traditions
  8. Contemporary Models Of Worship And Spirituality
  9. Theological Dimensions Of Worship And Spirituality
  10. A Call To A Spiritually Based Ministry
  11. Living The Eucharistic Prayer

Worship And Spiritual Formation In The Home

One beneficial way of integrating personal and family worship with the corporate worship of the church is to pattern worship in the home after the structures of corporate worship. This is especially important in the nurturing of children in the Christian faith. This section introduces readers to aspects of worship in the home and provides several sample liturgies for use there.

  1. An Introduction To Worship In The Home
  2. Liturgy On The Occasion Of The Birth, Baptism, Or Dedication Of A Child Part I
  3. Liturgy On The Occasion Of The Birth, Baptism, Or Dedication Of A Child Part Ii
  4. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Baptism, Confirmation, Or Renewed Commitment Of Faith Of An Adult
  5. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Baptism, Confirmation, Or Renewed Commitment Of Faith Of An Adult
  6. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Birthday
  7. Liturgy On The Occasion Of An Engagement Or Betrothal
  8. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Wedding
  9. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Wedding Anniversary
  10. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Retirement
  11. Liturgy On The Occasion Of An Illness
  12. Liturgy On The Occasion Of Dying
  13. Liturgy On The Occasion Of An Illness
  14. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Death
  15. Liturgy On The Occasion Of A House Blessing
  16. Liturgy For Thanksgiving Day
  17. Liturgy For Mother’s Day
  18. Liturgy For Father’s Day

Worship And Education: The Rite Of Christian Initiation For Adults

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults presents a fine model of how ministries of education can enrich and be supported by the worship of the church. The RCIA is a program for personal and communal spiritual growth that leads to baptism and then explores the meaning and significance of baptism for a life of Christian discipleship. It is much more than a program consisting of a series of truths to be understood; it is rather a model of a life to be lived. Christian teaching is woven together with worship, prayer, and spiritual direction, so that the new Christian, whether young or old, senses the wonder of being baptized in Christ and made a part of the Christ's body. The following section describes the RCIA in its history and present practice.

  1. A History Of Liturgical Catechesis Part I
  2. A History Of Liturgical Catechesis Part Ii
  3. An Introduction To The Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults (rcia)
  4. The Precatechumenate
  5. The Catechumenate
  6. The Postcatechumenate