Worship And Spiritual Formation In The Home

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

One beneficial way of integrating personal and family worship with the corporate worship of the church is to pattern worship in the home after the structures of corporate worship. This is especially important in the nurturing of children in the Christian faith. This section introduces readers to aspects of worship in the home and provides several sample liturgies for use there.

An Introduction To Worship In The Home

Family worship serves an important role in shaping both children and adults in their Christian formation. More specifically, every family is continuously exerting influence on its members by the ways they order and live out their lives. This echoes the adage that Christianity is more often caught than taught. Therefore, the underlying question is not "Are we shaping our children for Christ?" Rather, it becomes,"Are we forming them to receive or reject Christ?"

Liturgy On The Occasion Of The Birth, Baptism, Or Dedication Of A Child Part I

The following liturgies may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of The Birth, Baptism, Or Dedication Of A Child Part Ii

The following liturgies may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Baptism, Confirmation, Or Renewed Commitment Of Faith Of An Adult

The following liturgy may be used in family celebrations at the occasion of confirmation, profession of faith, baptism of adults, or any other occasion of renewed commitment. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Baptism, Confirmation, Or Renewed Commitment Of Faith Of An Adult

The following liturgy may be used in family celebrations at the occasion of confirmation, profession of faith, baptism of adults, or any other occasion of renewed commitment. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Birthday

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of An Engagement Or Betrothal

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community, serving as a means of both celebration and of challenge to the couple preparing for marriage. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Wedding

The following liturgy may be used at the time of celebration that accompanies the marriage service, perhaps as a devotional act at a wedding reception. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Wedding Anniversary

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Retirement

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Notice how the liturgy views retirement not as time to abstain from kingdom work, but as a time of a change in vocation. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of An Illness

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of Dying

The following liturgy may be used in the absence of a pastor to comfort a person who is dying. Relatives and friends of the dying may gather around the bed and read one or all of the following Scriptures.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of An Illness

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A Death

The following liturgy may be used in times of family gathering at the occasion of a death, especially when a pastor is not able to be present.

Liturgy On The Occasion Of A House Blessing

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy For Thanksgiving Day

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations, especially when the worshiping community itself does not gather on Thanksgiving Day.

Liturgy For Mother’s Day

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.

Liturgy For Father’s Day

The following liturgy may be used in small or large family celebrations or in gatherings of the larger worshiping community. Adapt to local needs and customs.