Worship And Education: The Rite Of Christian Initiation For Adults

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults presents a fine model of how ministries of education can enrich and be supported by the worship of the church. The RCIA is a program for personal and communal spiritual growth that leads to baptism and then explores the meaning and significance of baptism for a life of Christian discipleship. It is much more than a program consisting of a series of truths to be understood; it is rather a model of a life to be lived. Christian teaching is woven...

A History Of Liturgical Catechesis Part I

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is based on a long tradition of uniting the church's ministry of teaching (catechesis) with its ministry of worship (liturgy). This tradition has been recovered in the past two centuries in what has come to be called the "liturgical movement. "

A History Of Liturgical Catechesis Part Ii

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is based on a long tradition of uniting the church's ministry of teaching (catechesis) with its ministry of worship (liturgy). This tradition has been recovered in the past two centuries in what has come to be called the "liturgical movement. "

An Introduction To The Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults (rcia)

This article describes the whole process by which the Roman Catholic church brings new adult members into its communal life. The process culminates with baptism at Easter Vigil, which is both preceded and followed by periods of instruction and spiritual formation.

The Precatechumenate

The RCIA process begins with a season of prayer and preparation that is known as the precatechumenate. During this stage, the gospel is proclaimed and every potential catechumen is welcomed and embraced by the community, all in preparation for the more formal structure of the catechumenate that will follow.

The Catechumenate

The second stage of the RCIA process is a time of structured prayer and study. In this stage, the catechumens work together to learn the basic teachings and actions of the Christian faith, under the guidance of mentors from the larger Christian community.

The Postcatechumenate

Following baptism at Easter Vigil, the RCIA concludes with a period of reflection on the purpose and significance of Christian baptism. Following the practice of the early church, this is known as a period of mystagogy, a time of instruction into the meaning of what is now part of lived experience.