Bold witness to the person of Jesus Christ in the midst of the city is the type of evangelistic strategy that is the subject of this section. In recent years, charismatic Christians have reconsidered the role of corporate worship as a means to evangelism and have reintroduced marching and public demonstrations as a way to witness to the Christian faith. This section describes this strategy, observing the close connection between this strategy and worship.
The term worship evangelism itself suggests that worship is one means of witnessing to Christ's love. This article describes a vision for Christian worship that has at its heart a love for the unbeliever and a deep desire to see them become a part of the body of Christ. By expressing worship in a cultural language that most unbelievers can understand, many may be brought into the church, while worship itself can be enriched.
The March for Jesus has become a worldwide means of witnessing to the love of Christ. It intends to portray to the onlooking world the joy of offering praise to God. This article describes the March for Jesus and suggests how praise is essential to it.
Witnessing to Christ's love through public marches and demonstrations has a long and important history. This history teaches us how effective this public proclamation can be for both advancing important societal goals and for bringing people to Christ.
Like the March for Jesus, prayerwalking is a public demonstration of Christ's love. Its unique contribution is the emphasis placed on prayers offered for the needs of community in which the walk takes place and for the needs of the whole world. It is a valuable complement to the March for Jesus and can be a strategy for daily prayer.