Worship And Evangelism

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

The relationship between worship and evangelism is increasingly being rethought by American church leaders. Attempts to strengthen the church's witness to the world have led to new approaches in both evangelistic outreach and in worship. Through the Spirit's power, such developments may undoubtedly strengthen the life of the church, especially when they are rooted in careful study of the Scriptures. This section attempts to outline the scriptural and theological foundations of the important...

Worship And The Mission Of The Church

The act of Christian worship is itself a witness to the world. Particularly important is the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper, which proclaims the coming kingdom of God. This argument resists two extremes: the denial of the relationship between worship and mission on the one hand and the promotion of worship as merely an evangelistic service on the other. The following article is a detailed but persuasive presentation of this theological argument.

The Relationship Between Worship And Evangelism

Worship and evangelism are vitally linked ministries; without one the other cannot thrive. This article describes the theological basis for this relationship, identifies issues which the church currently faces that relate to this problem, and then provides several suggestions for how this relationship can be cultivated in the local parish.

Worship And Evangelism In Nineteenth-century Revivalism

In America, nineteenth-century revival movements forged a relationship between worship and evangelism that continues to be widely influential today, even in worship traditions not traditionally associated with revivalism. Understanding the history of this relationship provides a context in which its current influence can be appreciated and critiqued.

Three Models For Evangelism Through Worship

Manifest-presence evangelism, seeker-service evangelism, and liturgical evangelism are three ways in which those outside the church encounter, experience, and believe in God and are drawn into a vibrant community. These models are explained in the following article.

A Theological Critique Of Church Growth Worship

Especially influential in the last generation of American church life has been the school of evangelistic strategies sometimes known by the term church growth strategies. In recent years, such strategies have increasingly shaped the worship of churches in many worship traditions. This article examines church growth worship from a theological perspective, evaluating both its strengths and weaknesses in light of both the history of Christian worship and present trends.

Hospitality, Worship, And Evangelism

Many churches give little thought to including the visitor and the stranger in their worship services. Familiar habits and stale worship forms can unintentially leave the outsider feeling unwelcome. This article attempts to correct this oversight by pointing out the sociological necessity of making the worship service accessible to all who attend.