Perhaps more attention has been given in past few decades to the deliberate renewal and revision of Christian liturgy than in any previous era in church history. The renewal of worship that began with the neoorthodox movement in Protestantism took root in the Roman Catholic church and has extended to nearly every denomination and community of faith. The following 11 entries discuss the rise of the Pentecostal, charismatic, and praise traditions that have changed the shape of worship...
The origins of the Holiness-Pentecostal movement are found in the work and teaching of John Wesley. Worship within the movement varies widely, but it seems to thrive in contexts that encourage spontaneity and freedom. Traditional Pentecostal worship is currently undergoing significant change because of the growing popularity of contemporary worship choruses.
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council is one of the most influential documents on worship renewal in the twentieth century. It has resulted in vast changes in Roman Catholic worship and has also made a noticeable impact on Protestant worship, especially in the mainline denominations. The intent of the document is to call the church back to early Christian worship and spirituality.
The Eastern Rite Catholic churches are communities that follow a form of the Eastern liturgy but which are under the jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff rather than one of the Eastern Orthodox patriarchates. Renewal in the Eastern Catholic churches has involved a slow process of the rediscovery and implementation of a variety of ancient traditions of worship.
What has become known as the Antiochian Evangelical Orthodox Mission (AEOM) is part of a movement among Evangelicals and other Protestant Christians toward liturgical and sacramental worship, and toward the rediscovery of the faith and practice of the historic church.
Liturgical renewal among the ecumenical churches of mainline Protestantism has brought about a widespread consensus in worship style. In the spirit of the Reformation, not only the Scriptures but also the sacraments are being restored to a central position in worship. Protestant congregations are coming to a new appreciation of the importance of symbol and ceremony that allows all members to participate in the act of worship.
The twentieth century has seen a significant recovery of the arts in both secular and religious culture. The following essay delineates some of the areas in which the arts have emerged within the church and discusses the contribution that the arts make to the worship of God.
The charismatic movement of the twentieth century has made an impact on nearly every denomination and has given rise to a number of new churches and fellowships. This discussion traces these developments and emphasizes the influence of the charismatic movement in contemporary worship.
For decades the charismatic movement has been influencing the forms of worship practices in many of the older historic churches. Millions of Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, and others worldwide have found that the informal, spontaneous, and exuberant worship style of charismatics can bring new warmth and energy to traditional services-services whose formal structures and restrained atmosphere once felt cold and routine to them.
"Praise and worship" is a phrase used to designate a worship style that draws on contemporary choruses, usually in a flowing or connected sequence. The praise-and-worship style is influenced by charismatic worship and often features the lifting of hands in praise, ministry through the laying on of hands, and an inviting and informal climate in worship.
The breakdown of denominational distinctions has led to a convergence of many worship traditions. Broadly speaking, traditional and contemporary worship are blending to create a new celebrative style of worship. Advocates of liturgical renewal draw on liturgical/sacramental, charismatic, and evangelical aspects of the Christian faith to develop a style of worship that is rooted in Scripture, aware of its history, and committed to relevance.
A central feature of the seekers' service/believers' worship movement is the clear distinction it makes between outreach services (called seekers' services) and services designed for believers (believers' worship). This approach to renewal, pioneered by Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois, now commands a worldwide following.