Worship On Maundy Thursday

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

The Maundy Thursday service enacts the giving of the new commandment of love, the inauguration of the Lord's Table (Last Supper), and the journey of Jesus into the Garden of Gethsemane where he was captured and led captive toward his death. The resources of this section are presented to help a congregation recall these initial events of the Passion and to sense their significance for the Christian life.

An Introduction To The Maundy Thursday Service

Below is a description of the meaning and content of the ancient Maundy Thursday service. Adapt this material to current usage and style.

A Traditional Maundy Thursday Service

The following service is a creative adaptation of the traditional pattern and texts for worship on Maundy Thursday. It will be of particular help to those who plan more formal Maundy Thursday worship. For others, the commentary included with this service will provide a guide to thoughtful planning.

A Creative Maundy Thursday Service

The creative Maundy Thursday service can be used in free-church and more informal traditions of worship. Adapt to local usage and style.

A Convergence Maundy Thursday Service

This convergence Maundy Thursday service is presented for those congregations that seek to bring traditional and contemporary forms of worship together.

A Dance For Maundy Thursday

The dance below is meant to express a note of joy in an otherwise sober service. The expression of joy in a service of sobriety reminds us of the gospel that is always present, even in the darkest moment.

A Drama For Maundy Thursday

The following drama could be used in a gathering on Maundy Thursday, perhaps during a preservice congregational meal or in conjunction with reading the Scripture lessons during worship.