Resources For Planning Holy Week Worship

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

Contemporary worship planners have the privilege of working with a rich body of written prayers, hymns, and liturgical texts from every period in the church's history. When using these resources, be sure to keep in mind the shape of worship for each day in Holy Week, which is described in the following entries.

Traditional Opening Prayers For Holy Week Services

Many of the prayers below are based on centuries-old texts. They aptly express the themes of Holy Week worship. Adapt these prayers to local usage and style.

Prayers Of Confession For Holy Week

The following prayers are based on the Scripture readings appropriate for Holy Week. Note the commentary after each prayer, which elaborates the scriptural references on which it is based and provides suggestions for appropriate use.

Biblical Canticles For Holy Week

The servant songs from Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah are fitting texts for Holy Week worship. Many hymnals include settings of these canticles for congregational singing. Consider also having these canticles read very slowly and reflectively by a single reader or a group of readers.

Blessing For Holy Week

During Holy Week, the blessing is often in the form of a prayer for the gathered congregation rather than as a pronouncement of blessing.

An Anthology Of Hymns And Songs For The Sundays Of Epiphany

The following listings are a sampling of hymns and songs for Holy Week.