Mime In Worship

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

Gestures heighten our interest in conversations, speeches, sermons, and the narratives of storytellers. But more significantly, gestures reveal a great deal about our experiences, thoughts, and feelings regarding the words we speak. Gestures and movements clarify our relationship to what we say. Mime takes the natural qualities of gesture a step further. By acting out narratives, mime reveals meanings or insights into relationships and feelings that can not be experienced through words...

Mime In The Bible

Nonverbal actions can communicate many powerful feelings and truths. The prophets of Israel used the medium of mime to reveal profound messages of judgment and promise. Mime was also used in joyful celebration and praise on occasions of military and spiritual victory.

Mime In The Early Church

The following article outlines the role of mime in the church and society during the first centuries after Christ. In this period, as in others, mime was a significant medium of instruction and communication for believers and nonbelievers alike.

Mime In The Medieval Church

The pattern that began in the early church continued in the Middle Ages: official pronouncements squelched mime even as some leaders found creative and helpful ways of incorporating it into their practice of the Christian faith.

Mime In The Contemporary Church

Mime and clowning have returned to the church in the twentieth century, providing an important means for presenting the good news in a form which is not verbal. The eye may comprehend what the ear fails to hear. This article describes various ways in which mime is being used in public ministry.

Planning And Leading Mime In Worship

Mimetic gestures have been increasingly used in worship in recent years, especially among charismatics. This article describes ways in which mime has been used in worship and gives suggestions for developing a mime ministry.

An Example Of Mime

The following instructions, called mimography, describe mimetic movements that may be used to portray Jesus' Parable of the Sower.