This section presents several examples of dramatic scripts that can be used in worship. They represent different types of drama and are designed for use in a variety of services and parts of a worship service. Some of these depict a scriptural narrative; others portray a scene from modern life.
The following script is an adaptation of Thomas' confession of the risen Lord. It would be appropriate for use in conjunction with a service based on this theme, especially during the season of Easter.
The following sketch is based on Matthew 18:23-35. It could be used in a worship service in conjunction with the reading of this gospel lesson.
The following sketch portrays a scene from everyday life involving a character who cannot accept a gift without wanting to pay it back. This sketch would appropriately be followed with a message on the mystery God's grace.
The following is a complete service for Christmas Eve that features three first-person accounts of Christ's birth. These monologues, along with a brief homily, are interspersed among Scripture readings and Christmas hymns.
Gathering for Worship: We prepare for worship in the Gathering Space. Welcome!
Choir: "On Christmas Night"
The following is an example of a festival music drama on the theme of the lordship of Jesus Christ. It could well be used on the Feast of Christ the King, the final Sunday of the Christian Year, the Sunday immediately preceding Advent.