Examples Of Dance In Worship

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

The entries in this section outline for the congregation simple movements to well-known hymns or stories. Some suggestions for forming movements and elaborating set patterns are also given.

A Gift To Be Simple

If one thinks of religious dance in America, the Shakers always come to mind, for they were a religious sect for whom dance was an integral aspect of worship. Founded in England, they came to the East and Midwest in the late eighteenth century and created many songs and dances to express their delight in God.

The Lord’s Prayer

It is possible for a dance to the Lord's Prayer to be simple enough for a whole assembly to learn. The text used here is one prepared in 1975 by the International Consultation on English Texts.

Psalm 36

This is a psalm prayer in movement to be done in pairs by an even number of persons.

A Mexican Dance

This colorful dance reflects on themes of aging and hospitality and broadens our appreciation of the spirituality of other cultures.

A Congregational Dance

This article describes four patterns of congregational dance that are relatively easy for people of all ages to learn.

The Ten Lepers

The themes of healing and restoration are portrayed vividly in this creative dance interpretation of Luke 17:11-19.

Movement Prayer

Hand motion is vital to movement prayer. This article introduces some basic gestures that can be incorporated with congregational prayer.

A Dismissal Dance

A dismissal dance helps to emphasize and energize the closing words of a worship service. Included in this article are creative suggestions for sending worshipers into the world with a strong sense of God's presence.