The special nature of Lent as a time of preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus is expressed in the resources of this section. All the Scripture texts and the preaching of this season as well as the environment, singing, and resources for spiritual discipline shape the personal and corporate spiritual experience of the congregation.
The prayers below, many of which are based on centuries-old texts, express the basic themes of a worship that prepares the people to journey into the death of Jesus. Adapt to local style.
The following prayers, written in a contemporary style, draw on images from Scripture. Use these and the commentary provided for each prayer as a guide to the writing of prayers for worship. Note how each prayer is tailored to a specific liturgical function.
Worship planners can learn valuable lessons from traditional liturgical texts. Notice how this text expresses reverence for God, trust in God's power to act in a vast variety of circumstances, and an attitude of humility. Use this prayer during the season of Lent or adapt as needed, keeping in mind its reverent and humble spirit.
The following prayer of thanksgiving is appropriate for use in Lenten liturgies of the Lord's Supper. Notice how the images suggested in the prayer complement the Scripture readings for Lent and the idea of Lent as a spiritual pilgrimage and time of repentance and renewal.
During the season of Lent, the blessing is often spoken as a prayer for the people instead of as a proclamation of God's blessing. The following are traditional texts for Lenten blessings.
The following resources may be helpful in developing a Lenten retreat or a program for the devotional life of members in your denomination