Resources For The Acts Of Dismissal

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

The Dismissal, discussed in this section, is an integral part of worship because it brings closure to the public act of worship and sends God's people forth into the world, where their private worship is expressed in relationships, in leisure, and in work. For this reason, worship renewalists are paying attention to the content and style of the Dismissal.

What Does A Dismissal Do?

The Dismissal consists of those acts of worship that send out people from the assembly to love and serve God and their neighbors in the world.

A Model For The Dismissal

The Dismissal is standard in all Christian traditions and generally follows the order below.

The Place Of The Arts In The Dismissal

The arts serve the text and accompany the action of worship.

They are never performances within worship.

The Blessing (benediction)

The benediction sends people forth with the blessing of God's power over their lives.

The Dismissal Hymn

The Dismissal hymn sends the people forth into the world with a sense of mission and Christian purpose.

The Words Of Dismissal

The words of Dismissal are words of closure and of sending forth.

Variation In The Dismissal

There is very little that can be done or even should be done in the Dismissal by way of variation. The Dismissal is best kept brief and to the point, serving the function of sending the people forth. Nevertheless, here are several suggestions to enhance the Dismissal.