Leading Worship

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

This section answers essential questions for worship leading such as: What are the desirable qualities of a worship leader? What spiritual preparations are needed for worship leading? Other entries give practical advice for worship leaders in the small but important areas of their work. Communication and leadership skills are also discussed, as well as worship leading in small churches.

What Is Worship Leading?

What is worship leading? Why is it so important? The following article addresses the nature and importance of good worship leading. It attempts to dispel some misconceptions concerning the subject and offers helpful and practical tips.

Developing Communication Skills For Leading Worship

Three attitudes affect our communication with others: dignity, humility, and respect. Also important to our communication are five areas of confidence: in ourselves, in our relationship with the Lord, in our relationship with the people, in the importance of our ministry, and in the use of our tools.

Practical Advice For Worship Leadership

Little things count. Improving oneself in the small but important practical aspects of worship leading can lead to greater effectiveness in that role. This entry gives practical instruction in a number of these areas, including visual presentation, oral delivery, movement and choreography, and content of services.

Leadership With Style And Grace

This entry discusses use of body language (face, eyes, arms and hands, posture, movements); proper attire; movement and flow of a service; the role of silence; and a worship leader's relation to the rest of the assembly.

Leading Worship In A Smaller Church

Worship leaders at small churches can learn five principles from the life of a famous football coach to help them to better lead worship.