Descriptions Of Worship Renewal

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

These entries survey styles of worship and the ways in which renewal is restoring or modifying those styles. The seven styles include liturgical, traditional Protestant, creative, charismatic, praise and worship, convergence, and seekers'/believers' worship. The survey suggests that in many traditions renewal means not only discovering new ways to worship, but also rediscovering the roots of the worshipers' particular heritage. Much renewal in worship blends two or more of these styles into...

Seven Styles Of Morning Worship

Broadly speaking, the contemporary renewal of worship in the Western world can be classified as follows: (1) liturgical; (2) traditional Protestant; (3) creative; (4) charismatic; (5) praise-and-worship tradition; (6) convergence; (7) the seekers' service/believers' worship pattern.

Traditional Protestant Worship

Traditional Protestant worship has benefited from the findings of modern scholarship regarding early Christian practices. Like those involved in liturgical renewal, these Protestants recognize that worship is a celebration of God's saving deeds, a celebration that makes the benefit and power of God's healing action available to the worshiping community.

Creative Worship

Liturgical creativity is the process by which succeeding generations make traditions of Christian worship their own, through exercise of the gifts of the Spirit in the church.

Charismatic Worship Description

Charismatic worship is in itself a renewal movement that has had an impact on almost every denomination. It might be called worship that focuses on the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.

Praise And Worship Description

The praise-and-worship tradition is found mainly among charismatic churches and those churches influenced by recent innovations in both liturgical and nonliturgical bodies. The article below makes a distinction between praise, which is directed to God for God's acts, and worship, which is directed to God for God's person.

Convergence Worship Description

Convergence worship is the coming together of historic and contemporary worship. This approach to worship follows the fourfold approach to worship, draws on an ancient hymnody, and incorporates contemporary music and other arts.

Seekers’ Service/believers’ Worship Description

The seekers' service is a form of evangelism more than a form of actual worship. The model has been developed at Willow Creek Church in South Barrington, Illinois, and has spread across the United States, particularly among newer churches.