Worship On Pentecost Sunday

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

Pentecost Sunday is an end and a beginning. It is the culmination of the season of Easter. It is the day when the church senses the all-pervasive power of Easter as the Spirit is unleashed on Creation. It is also the dawn of a new day in the life of the church. For as the church is empowered by the Spirit, the message of the risen Lord is trumpeted around the world. The following entries provide a variety of helpful suggestions for worship planners and challenge the reader to apprecieate the...

A Traditional Service For Pentecost

The following service is a creative adaptation of the traditional pattern and texts for worship for Pentecost Sunday. It will be of particular help for those who plan a more formal Pentecost service. For others interested in worship renewal, the commentary included with this service will provide a guide to thoughtful planning.

A Creative/traditional Pentecostal Service

The following service adapts traditional texts and patterns for Pentecost worship. Adapt to the needs of the local congregation.

A Creative Pentecost Service

The service below is intended primarily for churches that emphasize informal worship. Although it lacks the structure of more familiar liturgies, it presents clearly th traditional themes of Pentecost worship.

A Convergence Pentecost Service

The following service features the use of traditional patterns and texts for Pentecost worship but provides freedom for spontaneous expressions of praise and worship and for charismatic expression of the power of God's Spirit.

Litanies For Pentecost Sunday

The litany below may be used on Pentecost Sunday as a prayer.

An Anthology Of Hymns And Songs For The Season After Pentecost

The central focus for all congregational song for this season is the promised advent of the Holy Spirit's coming (John 15:26; 16:7-11; Acts 1:5, 8), and his actual historical arrival into the lives of believers (Acts 2:14). These two contexts have inspired a rich repertory of hymns and songs, from the medieval times of Venantius Fortunatus or Hrabanus Maurus to the numerous contemporary writers of gospel song and Scripture chorus.

Pentecost Prayers

The following prayers for the Pentecost are based on images found in Scripture. Brief commentaries follow each prayer, directing worship planners to Scripture passages that can be used in conjunction with each prayer.

A Pentecost Creed

The creed below may be used on Pentecost Sunday or on any of the Sundays immediately after Pentecost.

Prayer Of Thanksgiving For Pentecost Eucharist

The following prayer of thanksgiving for the liturgy of the Lord's Supper includes the themes of the Scripture readings for this day.

A Pentecost Blessing

This blessing combines the themes of Easter and Pentecost and is especially appropriate for use on Pentecost Sunday.