This section features three sample services for the Sundays of Advent and two occasional services that may be held during Advent. The full texts of the Sunday services are presented along with commentary that articulates the theological and liturgical rationale for the various acts of worship and describes the non-textual dimensions of the services. Planners may adapt the entire service or parts of the service into a form suitable for their congregation. These texts and commentaries may also...
The following service is a creative adaptation of the traditional pattern and texts for worship in the season of Advent. It will be of particular help for those who plan more formal Advent worship. For others, the commentary included with this service will provide a guide to thoughtful planning for the Advent season.
The following service is a creative adaptation of the traditional pattern and texts for worship in the season of Advent. It will be of particular help for those who plan more formal Advent worship. For others, the commentary included with this service will provide a guide to thoughtful planning for the Advent season.
This service draws on the historical Advent service to model an Advent worship for the free-church tradition. Adapt this service in a way suitable to the local congregation.
The service below draws on the traditional Advent service, but incorporates elements of the praise-and-worship and the charismatic traditions to provide a guideline for contemporary churches. The reader should adapt the service as needed to his or her local church.
The Service of Lessons and Carols was first developed in the late nineteenth century by Archbishop Benson for use in King's College Chapel, Cambridge. The service, which has as its focal point the coming of Christ, is characterized by a very simple pattern. It is ordered around Scripture readings that pertain to Christ's coming, followed by songs (both choral and congregational) and prayers.
The hanging of the greens, or the greening of the church, is the act of decorating the church in the spirit of Advent and Christmas. In recent years it has been recognized that the work of hanging the greens should be done in the context of worship. Therefore it is recommended that the church be brought together in a special time of worship (perhaps on the weekend before the first Sunday of Advent) to green the church and hang the Advent wreath.