Approaches To Preaching

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

Approaches to preaching are as numerous as preachers themselves. In this section, however, only those approaches that seem most helpful to today's preacher have been included. This section begins with an overview of two approaches to preaching used throughout the church's history to guide the preacher in a selection of biblical texts-lectionary preaching and lectio continua (preaching through a biblical book). These two historical approaches to preaching are immediately followed by a more...

Interpretation And Preaching

This following article takes issue with the way sermons are customarily developed and delivered. The author argues that preaching should speak of Scripture, not about Scripture.

Preaching Through The Lectionary

Preaching through a series of given passages goes back to the Jewish tradition and to the tradition of the early church. In Christianity, the readings of the lectionary are ordered by the Christian year.

Preaching Lectio Continua

Preaching through a biblical book, also known as lectio continua (Latin, meaning to read continuously) is presented here from the Reformed perspective as a viable option to preaching through the lectionary or preaching topical sermons.

Preaching That Involves The Congregation

Preachers can prepare their sermons with respect to the needs of their people by engaging a representative group of people in conversation on Sunday's text. Guidelines for group preparation and feedback are outlined below.

Developing The Art Of Storytelling

Storytelling is an art that needs to be developed in today's churches. Storytellers succeed through using dialogue, developing action and plot, opening up the imagination, and learning how to tell the story well. The following entry is one pastor's account of the transforming power of story in his own preaching.

Jewish Storytelling

Christian storytelling is rooted in the ancient Jewish tradition of telling stories. In telling the story, its reality and power are made present to the hearers, so that by entering into the story they experience its significance and power to shape their perspectives and the living out of their own stories of faith.

Seeker-centered Preaching

Seeker-centered preaching is directed to people who have had little or no contact with the Christian faith. Ideas are presented in a way that the secular mind can grasp, using language and concepts from everyday life.

Lay Preaching

Although there were many lay preachers in the early church, their style of preaching quickly fell into disuse as the pulpit became dominated by the ordained clergy. The new code of the Canon Law of the Roman church now allows lay people to preach once again under special circumstances. This article summarizes the value of lay preaching in the Roman Catholic Church.

Women As Preachers

In recent years most denominations are facing the question of ordaining women to ministry. The following article explains the new dimensions female preachers bring to worship.

Evaluating Preaching

Those who preach and desire effectiveness through the ministry of preaching need a way to measure how well they are communicating. Below are ten tests for evaluating one's preaching.

The Sermon Planner

This practical outline provides a step-by-step plan for creating sermons that add to the worship experience.