Music Leadership In Worship

Source: The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Robert E. Webber, General Editor

Music is such a powerful force because it is created and recreated in the midst of a group of people who join together to express common thoughts, emotions, and prayers. In addition to careful planning, the use of music in worship requires skilled and sensitive musical leadership. The persons who fill this role should be both trained and well-rehearsed musicians, able to lend confidence to the singing of all worshipers and also spiritual leaders in the community, able to lead in worship by...

Perspectives On Musical Leadership In The Church

Musical leadership is a great challenge, with musical and pastoral demands. It is also a great privilege, with opportunities to celebrate the gospel and work among God's people. This article describes the practical life of the church musician in terms of these challenges and privileges.

Composing Music For Worship

Excellence is not a negotiable quality for church music: our worship of God demands our very best. This premise extends to the complex art of composing music for use in worship. This article outlines liturgical, textual, and musical guidelines for composers who seek excellence in composing music for the church.

The Art Of Organ Leadership Of Congregational Song

Accompanying congregational singing is an extraordinary challenge, requiring careful practice and disciplined creativity. The following article outlines many of the musical matters that every organist must consider, along with suggestions for the creative interpretation of the texts that are sung.

The Role Of The Choir In Worship

The choir does not participate in worship for its own sake, but rather for the sake of the whole of the worshiping people. It leads the worshiping people in their song and contributes additional music as the liturgy or pattern of worship requires. Ideally then, a choir should be a group of facilitators, not performers, a role defined in this article.

Classifying Church Choirs

Choirs play very different roles in various denominations and traditions. This article describes three different types of choirs based on their role in the worship service, commending an approach that integrates the choir's contribution within the structure of the whole worship service. Although written from a Reformed perspective, the insights found here have applications for all traditions.

Children’s Choirs As Leaders Of Worship

Children's choirs need not be relegated to simply providing entertainment in worship. Instead, they should function as important worship leaders. The imagination and energy that children are capable of bringing to this role will enrich the service and challenge them in their own spiritual journey.

The Place Of The Vocal Solo In Worship

A vocal soloist can function in much the same way as a choir, leading the people's song and presenting additional music that may be required by the structure and theme of a given order of service. This article addresses several practical concerns related to this role.

The Place Of The Cantor In Worship

The cantor played an important role in biblical and ancient worship. The role of the cantor is being recovered in contemporary worship. This article explains how and where to use the cantor in the liturgy, with reference to Roman Catholic liturgy in particular.

The Cantor’s Tools Of Communication

A cantor or lead singer must master more than simply the music of the liturgy. For as worship leader, the cantor has important responsibility for making worshipers feel welcome and comfortable in their role in the service. Nonverbal communication by gestures is one important aspect of the cantor's task.